Yesterday, we drove to Indianapolis and went to see an IMAX movie called "Under the Sea." It was 3D and Rhett loved it, Cal spit up all over Jenny, and Avery didn't want to wear the glasses. We then went shopping at Dick's so Jenny could pick out some Mini-Marathon clothes so she can feel comfortable??? I think she just wanted to spend money.
Today, Avery and Cal went to Grandma and Grandpa Berryman's to hang out this morning while Rhett went to baseball practice with me. Jenny ran 12 miles with Amy Kretz in their final "long" run before the Mini-Marathon on May 2nd. I went to scout a game in Lafayette, then worked in the yard with the kids while Jenny ran some last minute errands for Easter. Right now, the kids are making Easter Eggs.
Tomorrow, the Easter Bunny will show up, we will go to church, attend Easter festivities in Ft. Wayne with Jenny's family, then come home and get ready for the final stretch of school.