Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rhett's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Today was Rhett's 1st day of school and the 1st time he ever road a bus. He was accompanied by his friend, Audrey Koetter, to and from school (they will ride the bus together all year). Both Jenny and Amanda (Audrey's mom) were very emotional this morning when the kids got on the bus. When they both got off the bus, Rhett and Audrey told us of having fun day at school, but they were tired. Jenny said Rhett gave her the biggest hug he has ever given when he got off the bus. Avery had a rough day without his buddy. It was the 1st time ever that Avery was without his big brother for a long period of time.

1 comment:

Demorest Designs said...

What a big boy! I hope Jenny was able to hold it together =) Time is going by too fast!